Guyana and Mental Acuity

The installed person who heads the Guyana government is caught trying to control the Police Service Commission. His answer is “if I try to influence, where is the result?” Now the results he wanted were thwarted so there are no good results for him but the separation of powers was followed. This person says that he wants professionalism. Professionals study for their degrees. They do not use the computer to manufacture them. The same CARICOM that was instrumental in installing them said that the elections at the commission were not constitutional. Do they listen now? No, they don’t. They have no interest in the constitution. They are only interested in winning at any cost. And that they did and I repeat with the help of Mercury Public Affairs, Trump, Pompeo, and the little minions from the Caribbean.

He wanted to put his own in charge so that he could send them to shoot African Guyanese as they did in Linden. Now. where are Sarah Lynch, Mia Mottley, Lilian Chatterjee, and the EU ambassador? Their pompous asses knew a lot about democracy as they installed the corrupt inept racist cabal into leadership. Let me tell them something. Democracy is not installing a government when 4% of the votes have no statutory documents. Democracy is not the control of statutory bodies by the installed leader.

They are quiet. They got their 30 pieces of silver and are enjoying it. I am saying that one day the bucket would lose its bottom. Karma is funny. The pompous one who said “I will ban Guyana from the commonwealth” did not get to spend his portion. The one from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines had mother nature throw some fire on the poor people. The rest should watch themselves. I am not planning anything, nor do I know anything. I just know that whatever wrong a person does usually comes right back to him/her.

They are not seeing all the wrongs that are going on. The firing of people of African descent just because of their ethnicity. They are now trying to consolidate power in the police and then they would do the same in the army. They would find the corrupt like themselves to put in power and then the murder of African youths would begin.

It bothers me that the African Guyanese are asleep while one Indian writer insults every African person of any standing in society. When the former Minister said that the PPP/C followers are mentally lazy, they pounced. Didn’t that Indian writer write “I am ashamed to be Indian?” Now, he is the expert on what Africans must think. Every week, he writes degrading and insulting tales about African people. The African people need to be “woken”. If they do not, then all the oil money would go into the pockets of those kleptocrats. I remember that same self-acclaimed academic and astute political and human rights person hollering at anything the coalition did. Any little mistake was magnified by that useless person. Now, racism, control of the police and the military, and open discrimination are overlooked by this “fair-minded” person. There are also many luxury vehicles being bought by the government. Now, these belong to the people, so I have no issue with that. It might be conceited but this very “writer” wrote that an AFC Minister bought a 70 million GYD vehicle. That was 350,000 USD. I did not see the vehicle but does that writer know how to count. I am sure that it was a 7 million vehicle. Where is the vehicle? I also want to ask this person where are the PPP/C supporters who are criticizing them in the Chronicle? I am talking about the equivalence of Lewis and Hinds. How soon some hypocrites forget?

I also hear and read many times from their supporters that the Coalition could not divide 65 by 2. They are so mentally lazy. I have a few questions for them. Why is there a 60-40 filibuster rule? Isn’t 51 greater than 50? Why does it take 67 votes to impeach a president? Isn’t 51 greater than 50? For those still mentally lazy people. The question was “what does the constitution consider a majority to defeat a government? It was never “is 33 greater than 32? That is why these people are mentally lazy.

There are all kinds of mental gymnastics going on with the PPP/C and their supporters as they twist themselves into the Gordian knot to avoid the canary in the coal mine. The 47 missing statutory documents with 11,000 votes from the PPP/C stronghold. Democracy, you say, or is it electoral fraud?