Guyana and CCJ Fraud

I read today an opinion by one of the most foolish people in Guyana. He claims to be an academic and has taught at the university for 26 years. Yet, this same person said that Ali’s Ph.D. is acceptable even if he had a fraudulent undergraduate degree. This person attacks black people and what bothers me is that only a few people try to show the low Intelligence and morals of this person. I wonder what has happened to the black people in Guyana.

I am a baby boomer. There is no way the international committee which includes the self-hating Mia Mottley could have carried out such blatant fraud and call it democracy when we were young. We would have made it impossible for this illegal government to work. They also use the police to keep African people in check. The police are African peoples. Why do they follow orders from Indians to harass fellow Africans? This world is unfriendly to African peoples. We have to do what we have to do to protect ourselves. What happened to the spirit of the Buxton women who stopped the train?  Now, I strongly believe that African pride is replaced with greed. The young have become as greedy as the other group in this country that only think of money. Money will move them up in the caste system. The caste system is a despicable practice. It discriminates from birth. You are born into a caste and there you stay unless you can accumulate wealth to somewhat alleviate the pain from your accident of birth. It appears to me that the Africans have now become members of the caste system. Stop this. We Africans never had a caste system. We Africans do not believe that one person is somewhat more valuable than another. Imagine in 2021, the world is full of all kinds of people who carry that belief system. It is disgraceful at a time when earth vehicles are roving Mars.

Now, to the very ignorant racist person who even attacked our African Icon, Eusi Kwayana. He hollers every week and sometimes daily that the APNU/AFC rigged the elections. He has never acknowledged there are 47 boxes with no statutory documents. These were all from the PPP strongholds. The most important of all the poll books. I am not making this up. It is well documented. Why kind of hypocrite hollers, “Rig” but conveniently misses the most important yardstick in keeping the election honest, the poll book. These people live in a strange world. They have no shame. They are disgusting. What kind of person keeps hollering fraud while ignoring this very important aspect of elections? As I said before, in the next election, the villagers must discard every statutory document because it appears to me that the courts including the CCJ think that that aspect of the election does not matter. The CCJ is what I think is a weak-kneed kite blowing in the American wind. They have no spine. They are a political court. Someone said that the CCJ must stay in the election process in Guyana. Does the CCJ stay in the political process of Trinidad? Does the CCJ represent the final court of all 15 member states that signed on to its creation? No. Only 3 countries which are 20% dared. Guyana signed on because we want independence from our colonial masters. Little did we know that the CCJ is the new colonial master in disguise with new imperial power, the USA in charge. No one can convince me and many people that I know that the CCJ is a court of law. It is a political court controlled by the USA.

Finally, this same idiot kept saying that the APNU/AFC are fooling their supporters into believing that the PPP rigged the election. They are not fooling anyone. The APNU/AFC supporters only had to read the newspapers. There are 47 boxes with missing statutory documents with 11, 000 votes. That is the equivalence of 300000 votes in the USA. I ask that fool. Would the USA courts accept that? Would the Republicans accept that? The answer is no.