Lindsay Graham spoke with the Secretary of State of Georgia about removing ballots so that Trump could win the state. These are the same people who claim to be the protectors of democracy in Guyana. That is just nonsense. People asked why does a senator from another state talk to the secretary of a different state about election matters. Yet these same republicans felt that they could interfere with the elections in another country, Guyana. I despise liars and thieves. The PPP and their henchman Mercury Public Affairs are responsible for stealing the elections in Guyana. They then got Pompeo to terrorize GECOM to declare false results.
In Michigan, the Republicans refused to certify the votes in Wayne County where Detroit is located. The reason was that there were 367 more voters than those on the poll books. Trump lost by over 150,000 votes in Michigan. They relented eventually. What would have occurred if there were no poll books in that county? Does anyone think that a declaration of the winner would stand up to scrutiny? Why then did the republicans, Pompeo, and Trump force GECOM to declare a winner when 47 boxes of ballots equivalent to 3,000,000 votes in the USA are missing the poll books? It is because of sinister motives. They wanted control of Guyana. Granger was not prepared to sell his country to anyone. The hypocrisy is blinding.
The tantrum man writes every day about how the APNU/AFC tried to steal the election. Could he or any of the supporters of the PPP tell me if the missing poll books are important or not in elections? It is in Michigan for 367 votes. Why is it not important in Guyana where the number of ballots concerned can change the outcome? They are busy lying to everyone including themselves that the fraud was attempted by Mingo. Meanwhile, the real fraud was carried out by Trump, the master liar, and his minions aided by Mercury Public Affairs.
For those who say that Granger and Trump played the same game, I state. Trump fired the homeland security person responsible for the election safety. Whom did Granger fire? Trump refused to let the incoming government have access to the government apparatus in preparation for governing. Did Granger do that? No. Trump fired many political appointees because they would not do his bidding. The PPP fired political appointees and any senior black civil servant. Who plays with Trump’s playbook? It was Trump through Pompeo who installed the PPP in government. It is the upside-down logic that people like the tantrum writer wants people to believe. Trump has his cult and so does the PPP.
The court cases continue in the USA by Trump and the republicans. The court cases in Guyana were stymied by Trump and his minions. Sarah Lynch, Mia Motley, Lilian Chatterjee, et al. belittled the court cases filed by persons interested in the fairness of Guyana 2020 elections. Why don’t these people say something now about Trump? I will say this, Trump, Pompeo, and Sarah Lynch will soon be gone. Lilian Chatterjee has been moved to Barbados. Her turn is coming. The truth will be out. I could never understand the two faces of politicians and their minions.
However, things have a way of working out for the good eventually. The court in Guyana must look at the petition in the same manner as Trump and his friends look at 367 votes more than those in the poll books. In Guyana, there are 16,000 votes more than those in the poll books. The reason is that there are no poll books. Does that make the election democratic? The answer is no. It makes it a coup.