Mitch McConnell said that “until the electoral college votes to confirm the winner of the election, anyone can avail oneself of the legal remedies”. How strange? It is the same Trump administration that bullied Granger to “step aside” before GECOM declared the winner. In Guyana, there are no projections of the winner. The winner is decided after all the votes are counted. I hear the republicans call for counting legal votes. I want to ask the republicans if votes without poll books are legal votes in the USA? There is the equivalent of 3,000,000 votes in Guyana with no poll books nor statutory documents. I ask the republicans if 3,000,000 votes appear in the recount in Georgia without poll books, are they legal. Would Pompeo accept the results if a recount of Pennsylvania shows that there are 3,000,000 votes without records? That means that they have no poll books. In the case of mail in votes, there are no records of the bar codes for these excessive ballots.
Would Pompeo “step aside” if gross fraud is found in recounts? Could the EU tell Pompeo to “step aside? From what is known so far, there is no evidence that there are votes that cannot be documented and accounted for. Unlike in Guyana, where there is the equivalent of 3,000,000 votes without poll books and other statutory documents. Why then did Pompeo disrespect Granger by saying “step aside’? It is the pomposity of racial superiority that made him do that. It is also because of American interests. Does Pompeo know what democracy represents? I doubt it. He said that there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump presidency. Well, the USA is not Guyana. Pompeo stole the elections in Guyana and gave it to Ali by threatening everyone. He decided who won the election before GECOM decided, yet now, his boss and cronies want to wait for the electoral college vote. He will not be able to carry out a coup in your own country.
I am a fair person. I would say that the Trumps and the republicans must have their day in court. Why didn’t Pompeo, Trump, Sarah Lynch, Lilian Chatterjee, et al want Granger to get his day in court? Why indeed? Lilian Chatterjee, are Trump’s legal challenges frivolous? Only the judges in the cases could decide. Why did Lilian Chatterjee decide that the legal challenges in Guyana were frivolous? Does she have a God complex? No, she has a superiority complex from hundreds of years of abuse of African peoples.
I have not heard anything from the democratic loving foreigners who disrespected Guyana’s sovereignty. Where is the European Union? Where is Canada? Where is Barbados? Where is OAS? Where is Gonzales? Where is Sarah lynch? Where is Mia Motley? Where are all the others who thought that democracy was being subverted in Guyana? Let me explain it again. In Guyana, there are missing poll books and other statutory documents from 47 boxes. There are about 16,000 votes affected. The PPP won by 15000 votes. Those votes if distributed in a certain ratio would give Granger the win. Those same votes if distributed in another ratio would give the PPP a win. Who won? I do not know. Only the almighty has that information.
Now, Pompeo and the others may think that they are powerful, but they are not omnipotent. They are mere flawed mortals. There must be a new election with a sanitized voters’ list in Guyana. It is what occurred in Bolivia and the American coup was exposed. After all, we do not want dead people voting. Trump also does not want that in the USA, but it is acceptable to him in Guyana. This colonial attitude must stop. Guyana ceased being a colony in 1966. The strong countries think that they can decide who governs the weak and that is what they call democracy. I have another definition of democracy. It is good governance that is followed by free and fair elections or vice versa.
Trump does not adhere to democratic norms. He rules instead of governing. He controls independent constitutional bodies. He uses the attorney general as his personal lawyer. He does not accept the results from a free and fair election. There is no evidence that the election was fraudulent. There are no missing statutory documents like poll books. Maybe tomorrow the results will change in Trump’s favor. Maybe, the universe will disappear tomorrow. Both have extremely low probabilities of occurring.
The ABCE complained bitterly that the election results took too long in Guyana and that somewhat subverts democracy. Let us think again. The USA with its computers and bubble ballots that are computer tabulated are still counting ballots today. It is 9 days after the election. They are counting in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and California. They would be counting for the next week. Imagine if they were tabulating by hand for each polling station before they put that data into the computer. How long do you think it would take? It would take at least two months. If there are recounts, then that would be another two months. Would that be subverting democracy? No. Bush vs Gore took 36 days.
The USA behaves as though it is the beacon of goodness and democracy. There has never been guaranteed universal suffrage in that country. It is a false belief. People flock to the USA because of a myth. The myth of prosperity and money growing on trees. That belief is still alive at present. If there is so much prosperity, why are more people living under bridges in California than the whole population of Guyana? If the USA is so great, why are there so many food banks? Since the USA is so great, why are black people killed by police at 3 times the rate of whites and for far less severe “crimes”? Why do Africans and other minorities dominate the workforce in low paying jobs? Are black people less intelligent and less hardworking than whites? If blacks are low in intelligence, then why are there so many obstacles put in place to hamper their progress. If the Africans are inferior, why not let them fail under their own weight? Give the Africans equal opportunities and then you will see if, in fact, they are inferior. I think differently. Africans are not inferior contrary to false beliefs. If the same obstacles are placed on the whites, how would they do?
The white myth that Africans are lazy in a very successful trope. A group of people who did all the hard work for 300 years and who still does is considered lazy. That is the most deceitful thought in human history. It shows how warped these people’s minds are. It is the world that Trump, Pompeo, Barr, Sarah Lynch, and many others live in. They can live anywhere they please. The problem is that they cause a lot of pain and hardship for millions of people who live in this world. They should stay in their world and isolate themselves from the real world. I really do not know how that can be done but I feel good knowing that they really do not live in my world. Their minds are in some other place.
Today, the tantrum thrower repeated the nonsense that the republicans are repeating the words of APNU/AFC. He however fails to mention the missing statutory documents. That makes the situations in Guyana and the USA fundamentally different. How do you explain the missing documents? I know, you ignore them. The court would not be able to dismiss them. They are the gist of the election petition. He also conveniently forgot that it was Trump and Pompeo who installed Ali. How do you explain that away? He is and has always been a PPP racist surrogate.
He attacked the black people saying that they are quiet about the claims of rigging in the USA. Let me explain to him clearly. I speak for the black people he insulted today asking why they are silent. I say that we detest Trump. What else do you want? What is your point of mentioning Harris as having an Indian mother in the same breath of whether the black people would accept her? In case he does not know, we accept every person with a drop of black blood. It is the other people who discard people with a drop of black blood. We do not have that problem. He forgot to mention the Ali government. What are they saying? They can say nothing against Trump. He is their benefactor. What does Sarah lynch have to say?
This person claims that the APNU/AFC thinks that Guyanese are foolish. Now, what does he think of Guyanese people? His racist convoluted bias is too plain to see, one must only peek to discern it. I repeat, it is Trump that put Ali in the president’s seat. He seems to have lost that fact from his mind or did he lose his mind? Let me explain it to this simpleton. Trump installed Ali in a disputed election. Trump is claiming fraud in the USA election. Trump claimed that Grainger committed fraud. Trump is wrong in the USA. Trump was wrong in Guyana. No amount of spin could change that. Didn’t the PPP claim fraud? They are the first ones that cried “fraud” in Guyana. They had the plan that was set out by Mercury for them, and they played it well. The question he should ask is in which embassy was the PPP sops manufactured? Let us see what the court says about that.