There are widespread voter suppression activities by the Republican Party in the USA at present. These are the same people who claim that there was attempted “election fraud” in Guyana. They were rabid in their reactions.
Pompeo, Motley, Gonzales, Lynch, The OAS, et al. are very strong believers in “democracy” in Guyana. Is their belief in democracy universal? Do they believe in “democracy” in the USA? The answers are no for both questions. They believe in the selective false claims of “democracy”. They think that the shouting “democracy, democracy” and “fraud, fraud” make that true. These are politicians. They repeat lies often and many foolish people believe those lies. These people mentioned are puppets of the most deceitful president of the USA and his equally disgusting and lying Secretary of State.
I wonder if these people are literate beings or are they just mindless doppelgängers. If they are people, then they would know about the voter suppression activities in the USA at present. Why are they quiet now when they were so vocal in Guyana? There are two reasons that come to mind. Firstly, there is anti-black racism. Secondly, Motley, Gonzales, Lynch, et al. are controlled by Pompeo. This same Pompeo used the OAS to carry out a coup on Morales in Bolivia. The Bolivians have recovered. Luckily, there was a new election and Morales’s party won with ease. This same OAS also carried out fraud in Guyana to remove the president and install their puppet government. This is not the first time that the USA has done such. Now they have the government that gave them access to its sovereign space along with supporting their person in the OAS. They will also get the use of Guyana’s radio frequency to beam propaganda into Venezuela. These activities were denied by the ousted president. Only partisan fools would believe the nonsense that these people peddled. This is real. Morales is out of his country. Granger is out of power and a certain writer is assaulting every educated black person in Guyana. If you do not believe me, please explain to me why some foolish Trump supporters say that COVID-19 is a hoax. People are easily persuaded by diabolical con men.
Motley is a hypocrite and a self-hater. It is the worst kind of hate. She sold Africans for something. I hope that it makes her happy. She is a modern-day “black slave trader”. It is not too difficult to see the link between the disenfranchisement of black voters in Guyana and the USA. After all, Black people are at the bottom of the social ladder. Ask Kushner. It is 2020. When will this nonsense stop?
The USA has never been a democracy, Sarah Lynch. How can you pretend to know what democracy is anywhere? The well-orchestrated coup in Guyana is not democracy. The electoral college is anti-democratic. Universal suffrage was never a reality in the USA. How can you know what democracy looks like? The US Supreme Court ruled in 1857 that Dred Scott and all Africans were not citizens and should never be given citizenship. That ruling is still alive in its spirit today. Shelby vs Holder has opened the gate for Jim Crow laws to be reintroduced, and they are being created on a daily basis. Sarah Lynch, where are your democratic instincts? There are none because you come from a country that denies the right to vote for black people. It is historic and all over the news at present. The NAACP could give you a lesson if you care to learn. Motley, Sarah Lynch, and Gonzales speak to your handler Pompeo about getting Lewis’s voting rights law passed. This is rhetorical. You have no interest in suffrage for African peoples.
In Guyana, everyone is registered to vote. There are even dead people registered to vote. In the USA, every hurdle is erected to prevent black people from registering and voting. Voter intimidation is non- existent in Guyana. This is common practice in the USA. Motley, Lynch, Gonzales, et al. can you see, hear, and speak? This is rhetorical. Why are you pretending to be blind, deaf, and dumb? I know, you just have no respect for African peoples. You people helped Pompeo carry out his second coup in South America. How can you live with yourselves? I know, money-hungry sociopaths can.
Motley, Lynch, Gonzales, et al. cry “democracy” while engineering a coup in Guyana. How else do you ignore 47 boxes of ballots with no statutory documents? The sad part is that these ballots were counted to get the results of a “democratic” election. This would be a joke if it were not so serious. That is not democracy. That is a coup. Finally, would Lynch, Pompeo, and Trump accept a recount in which 3 million votes have no records? I doubt it. All hell would break loose and the proud boys will have a field day.
Bolivians Return Evo Morales’s Party to Power One Year After a U.S.-Applauded Couplenn Greenwald October 19, 2020,, October 27, 2020