I still hold Eusi Kwayana in the highest esteem. I am not alone. A certain writer is questioning the integrity of the “sage”. Now it would take a lot more than the musings of a dishonest racist to tarnish the good name of this elder statesman. He wrote, “Eusi Kwayana: The disgraceful fall of an icon” in a Guyana rag. His contention is that this giant did not condemn the chairman of GECOM of conspiring to rig the 2020 elections.
He went on to state that this great man fermented racial hatred in Guyana during the 50s and 60s. This is the person who has been on a rampage attacking every prominent African Guyanese daily. He was hit with feces from the PPP operatives. He then wrote that he has given them a chance to change. I have news for him. People who use political power to violate human rights never change. What sickness has overtaken this crazy person? He calls Kwayana a racist when the “cap’ really fits him. When did Kwayana attack Indians in any form? I am 70 yrs old. I have known this fine soul since I became self-aware. I have never read nor heard him utter any negative word because of a person’s ethnicity.
Kwayana wrote, “If I had condemned persons on election rigging, I might have been called as a witness.” The racist person wrote that .” Any high school child would know that this emanation is pathetic nonsense that Kwayana should be ashamed of.” I write that any high school child would know that to say that a fraudulent degree is acceptable once a higher degree is attained is pathetic nonsense that this writer should be ashamed of. Kwayana has been around politics for a long time. He knows how vindictive the PPP is. They may just as well call him as a witness just to harass him like this sicko is. This person said that Ali’s fraudulent degree is acceptable because he got a Ph.D. Now, even the Ph.D. is suspect since his thesis advisor is now working for his government. This advisor also worked as chancellor of UG during the PPP reign. How is it that this person who is questioning a saintly person’s integrity does not see these problems? I know the reason. He is a racist of the lowest kind. He called Eusi Kwayana a hypocrite. Now readers, who is the hypocrite?
He wrote that dead people cannot contribute “to a revisionist exposure of this man’s negative role in the evolution of an ethnically traumatized country”. I would tell him what caused racial division. I am old enough to know the time before the ethnic problems intensified. There were fighting for political power after the PPP was broken in two. The divide started with one Hindi phrase “apanjhat”. The real revisionists are the ones who claimed that it was Burnham who introduced that lexicon to Guyana. Burnham was never a Hindu. It was introduced because of the numeral advantage of the Indians. That is the cause of all this racial problems in Guyana. Kwayana is not Hindu. If Kwayana wanted to say “race for race”, he would have used Swahili. I do not know if Swahili has such words. Those words can only come from a caste system. Kwayana has not now or ever been a member of a caste. Africans do not have caste systems.
He also wrote that Kwayana has a devious mind. I want the readers to go to the rag and read some of his attack on African Guyanese and let me know who has a devious mind. He was sued by Jagdeo for calling him an ideological racist. Now he sleeps with him. That is why I think that he is sick. Go see a doctor and leave Africans alone.
He went on to write “Let us list some of those global personalities; the then chairperson of CARICOM, Mia Mottley; the current chairman of CARICOM, Ralph Gonsalves; the current PM of Trinidad; two former CARICOM PMs – Bruce Golding and Owen Arthur; the chairman of the OAS; the head of the Commonwealth Secretariat (a Black woman); the former president of Liberia and Nobel laureate – Ellen Sirleaf; members of the Black Caucus in the US House of Representatives; the head of the United Nations; the UWI Vice-Chancellor, a Black historian who writes on Black history and dozens more”. Now, he thinks that he is educated and intelligent. He is stupid. He does not understand geopolitics. He does not know of the power to manipulate elections. Foreign observers were used for rigging elections in Bolivia.
Let us have a look at OAS. The OAS was responsible for the rigging of the elections in Bolivia just last year.
The OAS Helped Facilitate Last Year’s Coup Against Evo Morales. Now It’s Observing Today’s Bolivian Elections.(Kevin Cashman,2020) <https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/10/oas-evo-morales-bolivia-presidential-elections-fraud-mas> 10/23/2020
Silence reigns on the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia
This article is more than 1 month old
Mark Weisbrot <https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/18/silence-us-backed-coup-evo-morales-bolivia-american-states> 10/23/2020
Mia Motley is running a country that is now listed as a tax haven by the EU.
EU adds Barbados, Anguilla to tax haven list, removes Cayman Islands, Oman By Reuters St https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-eu-taxevasion/eu-adds-barbados-anguilla-to-tax-haven-list-removes-cayman-islands-oman-idUKKBN26R1OXaff
This is the distinguished person who worked with OAS that carried out a coup in Bolivia at their elections. Bruce Golding resigned as prime minister because he defended a drug dealer who was deported from Jamaica. The Black caucus said that the laws of Guyana and GECOM must decide. They never said anything about “rigging”. I do not have to look into the history of the rest of the gang. Motley, OAS, and Golding have no credibility. They were being controlled by Pompeo.
Now, this writer is pushing very hard to reinforce the narrative of Mingo’s “alleged rigging” while the case is now before the election court. Why is he so rabid? Why is he attacking every African Guyanese? Does he think that black people are stupid? Does he believe in the philosophy of superiority of “races” or groups? The caste system does have those beliefs. He comes from a caste system. He mentioned it himself. His light-skinned people frowned on him because he is dark-skinned. Afro Guyanese did none of that.
I have a few questions for this person. Why do you hate so much? What happened to you? Did someone hit you on your head? Or are you a puppet? If you are a puppet, you are a weak piece of what was thrown in your face. Finally, Eusi Kwayana is a 95-year-old person. He still writes for the social good. He is not a politician, not for 40 years. The majority of Guyanese do not know who he is other than if they read some history of Guyana. Leave him alone. The people who threw the feces on you have got you. What is it? What did they do to you? Also, I ask you about “rigging”. What happened to the 47 boxes with no statutory documents? Is that what is driving you crazy? You people ignore such but it is a fact. It will have to be explained at the election court.
India’s engineers have thrived in Silicon Valley. So has its caste system.
Oct. 27, 2020 at 9:45 p.m. EDT
https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/10/27/indian-caste-bias-silicon-valley/?utm_source=pocket-newtab Oct. 30, 2020