This government is steeped in the Guyana style corruption. There is the case of giving oil blocks to their friends just prior to the 2015 elections.
Jacob Opadeyi, the former vice chancellor of UG and a Trinidadian Nigerian campaigned for the PPP. Corruption squared. Firstly, foreigners are not to be campaigning in elections in law and ethics. Where is the ethical feces man? This same person was the thesis advisor to Ali after he was made vice chancellor of UG by the PPP. Corruption. Just after Ali was given his PhD, his thesis advisor is given a plush job in the ministry of education. Corruption. These people have no shame. Where is Mia Motley? She knows about fraud. Does she really or only what she is directed to see? Where are the Guyana daily rags? They cannot see because they are also part of this fraud.
Ambassador Lynch, please advise your president and party to stop voter suppression. You claim to be quite versed in democracy. Where are you when your country and government are doing every anti-democratic action to win an election. Hypocrite or supremacist or both. Take the “mote” out of your eyes.
The savage writer who was soaked with feces by the PPP is at it again. He is a very angry and sick person. He is attacking black people of supporting “rigging” by being silent. He is at the same time ignoring the 47 boxes without statutory documents. He would be credible if he mentions that this is something of concern. Instead, he buries his head in the sand. Those 47 boxes represent 3 million votes in the USA. Sarah Lynch, would you accept that number of undocumented votes if Trump loses?
Guyana style corruption is in rebirth. Its new birthday is August 2, 2020. People, open your eyes. These are the owners of Pradoville. They own the mantle of a narco-state. The president is corrupt. He made his first degree on a laptop. That is a felony in many countries. Now he has a Ph.D. with some stain. His thesis advisor was given jobs twice by the PPP. The University of the West Indies must correct this. It is a shame that people like me have to study long and hard for our degrees and people get theirs by corruption.
There is something wrong with the PPP. The feces man blames the whole of Guyana for the problems but most of the problems were and are being created by the PPP. This same hypocrite who sees everything in Guyana is willfully blind to the corruption of the PPP. Is he part of it? I wonder.