Racism in Guyana and the USA

There were two things in today’s rags from Guyana. Guyana’s disciplined forces will be on US ships. The coup that Sarah Lynch engineered gave her and her racist president some power. They can now move into Guyana’s sovereign space at will. The masquerade of fraud by Mingo was used as a cover for the real fraud. There was voting by dead people. There were also missing documents equivalent to 3 million votes in the USA.

I wonder if Sarah Lynch and her master will accept the results of the US elections if 3 million votes were undocumented. Her racist master does not care about democracy nor the people of Guyana. This is about the US and his own interest. Why do they want democracy in Guyana when their president has no interest in such in the USA?

Why is her boss trying to stop voting by mail? Why is he crying fraud before the election day? Why is he suppressing African American votes along with other minorities? It is the same tactic used by the PPP and the racist press along with a certain writer who said that a fraudulent degree is OK. This is the same fool who wrote that the Guyana election was a fight between the light-skinned elite and dark-skinned Indians. This person claims to be educated. Maybe he holds useless degrees in history but he is also sick.

The preceding information shows me that the racist US president along with the racist ambassador and the hapless racist columnist were all doing the same thing. They are magicians. They point you in one direction while the real fraud occurs somewhere else.

The columnist was so against Granger that I asked my friends about what Granger did to him? I was confused but now I know that he hates light-skinned people especially light-skinned Africans. I pity this sorry soul.

The sleight of hand during the last election in Guyana was meant only for the US interest. Granger refused to give the country to the US for their interest. They along with the OAS and others worked very hard to subvert democracy with treachery.

The OAS is incompetent. It botched the observation of elections in Bolivia. Is it incompetence or is it a case of them doing the work of the US? Either way is bad. Will they observe the US election? They need foreign observers for this election. The objective was to have control over Guyana’s sovereign space and the mission was accomplished.