Guyana’s new oil Licence

The Guyana Payara oil Licence was signed yesterday. The conditions are the same as the other fields. I wonder where are the thunderous voices that called the APNU/AFC government inept idiots for signing the PSA. They are silent. I was looking for a certain columnist who says that a fraudulent degree is okay. I remember him writing a missive about 1% and 2%. I wonder if his history degrees helped him in assessing the PSA.

It was share sensationalism. It was designed to set up the installing of a US lead government. They succeeded. Now, the PPP savior of “democracy” said that ExxonMobile carries out international best practices. That is a joke but I am not laughing. She is like her boss. He lies. She lies. He is a racist. She is a white supremacist. That works well with the installed government. They have a caste system in their blood. The same columnist said as much lately. He said that light-skinned Indians told him that he was at the bottom rung because he is dark-skinned.

This giant of democracy, Lynch says nothing about the undemocratic and racist behavior of her boss. She is the same. Her hypocrisy with respect to democracy is as plain as the eye can see. I am awaiting her rebuke of her president about his behavior. She had a lot of garbage to say about Granger, a decent person. Granger never, i repeat never said that he would not accept the results of the election. Your idiot in the white house said that he would only if he wins.

Imagine, if Granger had said that, you would have sent the white supremacists to lynch him. I am still awaiting some news on what the know-all ambassador has to say about the racist undemocratic leader. She will say nothing. She has the same views. His administration picked her and she sings for her supper. The honorable John Lewis said, ” if you see something, do something”. I guess that for Lynch, it only applies to small developing countries. These can be easily bullied by the chief bully through his ambassador.

Sarah Lynch, you have done a good job. The Guyana Paraya Licence is now ready to go. You got your puppet government. You got access to Guyana’s air and sea. You got ExxonMobil the licence. It is too bad that you will soon be out of a job.