The installed Guyana government has started its onslaught on African workers. They are threatening the nurses with criminal charges. Now, how many Indians are nurses? The pay is too low for a money-loving “race”. In the time of COVID 19 pandemic, nurses should be treated fairly. This government does not care about Guyana nurses and African workers. They want them to work for nothing while they live in Pradoville.
It is strange how suddenly these parasites suddenly become the titans of democracy and good governance. It is propaganda designed by Mercury and released on the unsuspecting Guyanese populace. It is only Indian welfare that is important for this implanted government. The sugar workers who got severance pay and were in the process of getting land are now given priority. Sugar is dead. I know that cane cutting brought the Indians to Guyana. It is time they give up this backward job and educate themselves.
The Indian writer who constantly wants to speak about Guyana nurses and African workers would do well to look at his own. They are being taken for a ride by their government. He sees nothing about that. He believes in the superiority of one race to another. All his muses say so. He praises white people and denigrates black people. If he is pro Indian, that is ok. He is Indian. However, constantly verbally assaulting black people and leaders is not acceptable.
Now, the installed government must negotiate with the Guyana nurses and African workers. These are industrial actions. Threatening criminal charges is hardly civilized. The USA will not come to your help. They got what they wanted from you. You gave them permission to violate Guyana’s air and sea space. You signed the Paraya licence. They are done with you. They do not need the puppet anymore.