Donald Trump is trying to get the authorities in Michigan to change the electoral college votes to him from Biden. He called them to the white house, but his bid failed. He now set his sights on Pennsylvania. The news outlets and other dignitaries are surprised and confused. “This has never happened in the USA,” they said. I am not surprised at all. Trump has done that twice in his term. He subverted the will of the people in Bolivia and Guyana.
Trump’s supporters believe that the election was stolen from him. It is because they have very little knowledge and are under his cultish control. If they had paid attention to what is going on around the world, they would have known about his dictatorial tendencies. The foolish Americans believe falsely that the world revolves around them. They have the largest economy and they control the world’s currency. Soon, the currency control will be gone and then they will know the real state of their country. They also claim that everyone steals their technologies. I say that they steal the people who create the technologies. Almost every technology in the last century was developed by first or second-generation Americans. You just have to think about Tesla, Jobs, Musk, and mRNA vaccines.
The USA believes that it has the right to choose who governs other countries. This was amplified and openly displayed by Trump because of his crazy bigoted personality. He also has a God complex. This was bad for decent leaders and good for dictators and tyrants.
Commentators on CNN called his actions “an attempted coup”. Another called it an attempted soft coup. He and Mercury Public affairs carried out a coup in Guyana. It was cheap because the PPP paid only $340,000 USD. The real cost will be the loss of independence and corrupt contracts to hidden conspirators. Few Americans know about this. The reason is tunnel vision. They have no interest in what goes on in the world around them. This is bad. If they did try to educate themselves, they would have known that Trump is really a dictator in waiting. Let us look a little closer. Ninety percent of Americans do not know the capital of Canada, their northern neighbor. Ninety- five percent of Trump’s supporters do not know that the ACA is also called “Obamacare”. It is because of their America centric beliefs along with manifest destiny, their government installs rulers in the Americas as a routine activity.
I am happy that the undemocratic, unstable moron who subverted the will of the people in Guyana is now crying foul. He is claiming that the election was stolen from him. He knows about stolen elections. He engineered two in south America in two years. He lost in a free and fair election, but because he decided who governed in Guyana and Bolivia, he thinks that he could do it in his country. He will not succeed. He cannot threaten the secretaries of state with sanctions and visa restrictions and deportations of their relatives. That cannot work on Americans. He needs a new game. He cannot threaten financial penalties to the states because he will not be in power to do such. He did threaten financial penalties in Guyana and Bolivia.
Finally, the coup engineered in Guyana by Trump would be reversed. The kleptocrats he installed are now pretending to be guardians of Guyana’s patrimony. They are terrorizing black people by black police about stealing land. This is the same PPP whose “president” had 19 fraud charges withdrawn because he was installed by Trump, a kleptocrat himself. This PPP is the one who gave away the Canje and Kaieteur oil blocks to their friends. These blocks are worth billions of dollars USD. They stole the land and built Pradoville. They took kickbacks from a Chinese forestry company and let them rape the country without paying a penny in royalties. Suddenly, they are “saints”. Trump does not like saints. They are just as devious and corrupt as their patron, Trump. Trump may need a place to live as he mused before. It is a pity that they would not be in power to help him.
This morning, on CNN, Douglas Brinkley called Trump a “Tinpot Dictator”. Trump took a two-hundred-year-old semi-democratic country and turned it into a “Banana Republic”. Now, Banana Republics are no longer the domain of people of color. The whites are now catching up with the very system they created to keep people of color in economic bondage. It is this same person that the PPP said saved democracy in Guyana. Hmm.