Guyana and Mercury Public Affairs

You cannot carry clean water in a dirty bucket. If you do, the water will become putrid. The PPPC hired Mercury Public Affairs to do political work for them. Mercury Public Affairs is a dirty political operative. Let us look at what is written about them. The Kaieteur News wrote the following

“PPP wants clean elections but hires a US firm linked to tampering”

 Apr 18, 2019  News

“By Kiana Wilburg
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been saying for months that its principal concern at this point, in time, is having free and fair elections. But on March 7, last, the Party contracted the services of a lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs, which has been implicated in a scheme to hide foreign influence-peddling in the American 2016 elections.
Mercury has also been described in the US media as being the “go-to lobbying shop for clients looking to get in the administration’s good graces.”

Now, this same Kaieteur news is beating the drum of “attempted rigging” or “rigging” by the APNU/AFC. Politicians usually speak with what the indigenous people call “forked tongue”. The Guyanese people say that you “ talk with both sides of your mouth”. In plain speak, Kaieteur News and its main spokesman about rigging are bare-faced liars. I am always amazed at the way people twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify things that they know are untruths. It is even quite funny these days. Lies are told routinely because of the present occupant of the white house. What bothers me is that people whom I thought were honest have also become liars. What is it? What evil has taken over their minds? I know that people would try their best to look “good” but do they have to bring themselves to the bottom level of human existence. I could never lie because circumstances have changed. If I want to change my position, I would say that I did just that. I am afraid of no-one to the point of disturbing my soul with these obvious lies.

Let us look at another publication’s view of Mercury Public Affairs. “When Lobbying Firms Are Caught Using Dirty Tricks And Lies, They Always Throw Their Employees Under The Bus.” Republic Report: Investigating how money corrupts Democracy. BY LEE FANG (2012).

 “Wal-Mart’s public relations and lobbying firm in Los Angeles, Mercury Public Affairs, was caught sending an employee to an event posing as a student reporter. The Mercury staffer, Stephanie Harnett, told warehouse workers protesting Wal-Mart’s labor practices that she was “Zoe Mitchell,” a USC student. She appeared to be gathering information from the workers that could be used against them in their struggle against Wal-Mart, which is notorious for its poor labor standards.

A disclosure filed with the city of Los Angeles ethics office shows that Wal-Mart paid Mercury $60,000 in the first three months of this year.

After the news broke, Mercury first told Gawker’s Hamilton Noltan that Harnett acted alone, without consent from the firm, and that she would be “disciplined.” “This is an isolated incident that has never happened before and will not happen again,” a spokeswoman from the firm said, adding “[Harnett] is a junior member of our team who made an immature decision.” (Harnett’s LinkedIn profile, however, lists her as a “Senior Associate.”)

Later in the day, Harnett was fired from the company.

Though Mercury was quick to throw Harnett under the bus, we’re skeptical that such an action was without any approval from her firm. It is standard practice in the lobbying industry to blame young staffers or rogue employees when firms are caught using underhanded tactics.” This is another example of the stellar Mercury Public Affairs that advised the PPP/C on “rigging” in Guyana’s 2020 election. Mercury is the rigging organization to whom everyone goes to get the desired results. Now,  I want the reader to think. What was Mercury Public Affairs doing in Guyana? They were working for the PPP/C. Were they there to protect democracy? No. Their role in this world is to subvert democracy. Let me repeat. They were working for the PPP/C. I now ask. Who rigged what? Mercury Public Affairs operates like a magician. They misdirect while the real theft is done in another area. “Look, Look at Mingo”. While we looked at Mingo, they removed the statutory documents and put whatever ballots they wanted in the boxes. They fooled some of the foreigners while others were party to this fraud.

Stabroek News(16 Nov. 2020) “Information compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics based on reports made available by the US Department of Justice shows that the now governing party paid US lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs US$253,557 in 2019.  For 2020 the party spent US$49 965 before the termination of the contract in July 2020, just shortly before it took office. In total the political party has spent US$303,522 on the services provided by Mercury”. This is confirmation that the PPP/C hired and paid for corrupt services.

Paul Manafort, who was imprisoned for bank fraud was also linked to Mercury Public Affairs whom he hired for dirty work in Ukraine and the USA. Everywhere one looks, Mercury Public Affairs is involved in corruption and anti-democratic activities. Suddenly, they are involved with the PPP/C in Guyana, and they are now democratic forces looking out for the good of Guyana. Some people would believe that because it suits their narrative but facts say otherwise. The nature of Mercury Public Affairs is to subvert democracy. That is what they are hired for. Now, the PPP/C wants me to believe that they are the protectors of democracy. That is a joke. The problem with that joke is that more than half of Guyana is being suppressed because of it. I said in my introduction that a dirty bucket carries dirty water. Mercury Public Affairs carries dirty politics that is anti-democratic.