The Guyana oil PSA

Now, the installed government did not change a thing. The voices are quiet. Why do I say that? The comment sections had hundreds of comments calling the then government inept, stupid, backward, and corrupt. Now, if that was the truth, then this government is also inept, corrupt, and backward. I have seen little if any news items about this.

The newspapers wanted the previous government to be Gods. I have news for them. Men are not gods. They however let fraudulent degree holders and fraudulent results stand. There is a certain “columnist” who constantly quotes dead philosophers and thinks that fraudulent degrees are okay once you use them to obtain higher degrees. I remember him writing ” 1%, 2% how inept are these people?” Where is his outrage? There is none because he shows a great hatred for the previous government which never harmed him nor threw feces on him.

It is really surprising to me that the majority of talking heads that called the APNU/AFC incompetent are quiet. It is disgusting that the new government just ate its words. When Global Witness stated that the previous government left $55 Billion USD, all hell broke loose. The daily rags that call themselves newspapers were all feral in their responses.

I think that some people are born and bred with hatred, especially for race and caste. I close by stating what i always said. The PSA was fair given Guyana’s position as a frontier country at the time. Guyana’s position as a frontier country has now changed so the new PSAs will be better financially. Greedy people, people who love money than they love their parents were hollering the most. I say people who kill their parents for money. Those are the ones who hollered the loudest. I hope that the people who were very vocal during the elections will not be quiet when the petition starts.

Guyana Fiddlers!